We believe here at Greenbrier FMC that you are someone that God will use to make a difference, to share His love, and touch the hearts of others. This year we are asking you to renew your vows to the church by helping to build God’s Kingdom through your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness. Please take at few weeks to pray about your commitments to God and His church. Keep this commitment brochure in a place that you can see it each day so that you will be reminded to pray over what God can do through you this year.  Thank you so much for your Five Fold commitment to Greenbrier FMC. It is a testament to your faith. It is because of that faith in God and our mutual love for our church, we can rest assured our best days are yet to come! Yours in Christ, Kevin
  How I Plan To Connect in 2024

Name _____________________________________

Email _____________________________________

Phone Number ______________________________

  In response to God’s love and as a concrete expression of my faith in and commitment to Christ and his church, these are the steps I plan to take this year.  
Prayers (complete any and all blanks that apply)
___ I will pray for my church each day using the church prayer list.
___ I will pray for my church each week using the church prayer list.
___ I would like to be part of the church email prayer team.
___ I will set aside 10 minutes for prayer each day.  
Presence (complete any and all blanks that apply)
  1. I will be present in worship _____ time(s) monthly.
  2. I will be present in Sunday school _____ time(s) monthly .
  3. I will be present at Bible study _____ time(s) monthly.


____ I am interested in helping to start a new Sunday school class.
____ I am interested in learning about hosting a weekly small group in my home.
____ I would like to become a member of Greenbrier FMC  
Gifts (check the level of giver you will be, and circle whether this gift will come weekly or monthly
______I will give a full 10% of my total income to GFMC equaling $_________ per week / month.
_____ I will increase my giving by 5% over last year by increasing my gift to a total of $____________ per week / month.
_____  I have not given before, but will now pledge $ __________ per week / month.  
Service (complete any and all blanks that apply) ____ Children’s Ministry (Sunday school, Discovery Club) ____ Vacation Bible School ____ Children’s Church worker (11:00 am service) ____ Youth Ministry (Sunday nights, Wednesday nights, special events) ____ Adult Sunday School teacher ____ Short term small group study leader ____ Communion server (1st Sunday of the month) ____ Communion preparation (1st Sunday of the month) ____ Greeter  –  9:00 am/11:00 am Worship Service (circle one or both) ____ Usher Team (9:00 am Service) ____ Computer Team – 9:00 am/11:00 am Service (circle one or both) ____ Worship Planning Committee ____ Sanctuary Care Committee (restocking pencils, offering envelopes, etc) ____ Welcome Center volunteer ____ Sanctuary Choir (9:00 a.m. Service) ____ Special Music (solo, duet, quartet, instrumentalist, etc.) ____ Praise Team (11:00 am Contemporary service) ____ Website update and design team ____ Outdoor sign message team (change message on outdoor sign) ____ Mission and Outreach team (planning and visioning missions) ____ Serving on a Mission team ____ Food Pantry ____ Special Events (Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July, Trunk or Treat, etc.) ____ Great Clothing Giveaway team ____ Bethlehem House Meal (cooking or serving) ____ Blood Drive Team (usually done twice a year at the church) ____ Operation Christmas Child ____ United Methodist Men ____ United Women in Faith ____ Methodist Youth ____ Hospital Visitation Ministry ____ Nursing Home Visitation Ministry ____ Mowing Front Lawn Team (church riding lawn mower provided) ____ Landscaping Team (taking care of flower beds) ____ Adopt a room or area to clean and maintain (list area) ________________________________________________________________
 ____ Coffee maker and maintain coffee bar (Sunday morning)  
Witness (complete any and all blanks that apply) ____ I will commit to bring at least one new person or family into the life of our church in 2024. ____ I will develop my faith story and testimony so that I will be ready to share it in church or in my community when the opportunity arises. ____ I will do all I can this year to exemplify Christ in my daily life in my actions and speech.