On the fourth Thursday of every month, our volunteers prepare a meal for the residents of Bethlehem House and the hurting and hungry in the surrounding area. The theme for our meal is a Mexican Fiesta and our members prepare some of the most amazing mexican casseroles, soups, salads, dips and desserts to serve for those who come for the meal. We prepare for 60-70 and usually there are no leftovers. If you would like to help one month in either preparing a dish or dessert or going to the Bethlehem House to help us serve, simply call the church office, sign the Bethlehem House volunteer sheet or complete the form below.
Bethlehem House has as its mission to encourage, equip and motivate homeless and nearly homeless individuals and families to take the necessary steps to improve their life situations. In addition to offering a home for the homeless, the shelter provides an evening meal daily and operates a food pantry to serve the needs of those who do not have adequate resources for food. For more information about Bethlehem House, please take some time to visit the Bethlehem House website at http://bethlehemhouse.net/